Continuous Glucose Monitor Study – Marrero

General-medicine icon
Age 18+
Sex Male or Female
Conditons Type 2 Diabetes
Locations Marrero

Diabetes and Continuous Glucose Monitoring Device Research Study

Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) is a technology used to monitor blood sugar levels in individuals with diabetes throughout the day and night, providing real-time data to the person wearing the CGM device.

Tandem Clinical Research is excited to play a role in this technology and is looking for volunteers for a research study of a new CGM device. To qualify, you must:

Be 18 years of age or older
Have type 1 or type 2 diabetes
Not use a CGM device currently

Qualified participants will receive study-related medication and care. Compensation for time and travel may be available. To learn more or schedule an appointment, complete the form below!

Continuous glucose monitor study - marrero 1

CGM for Diabetes Research Study Form

Qualify for a Study
Check off the studies of interest